Over the years I've come to realize the importance of a proper work space. When I say "work space" I basically mean a designated space where I can concentrate comfortably on craigslist, ebay, blog reading, blog writing and my actual job. If you've read my previous posts
here , you know that we cut a hole in the wall to go through the office to make the flow of the downstairs better. Although it brought in more natural light from the windows in the living room, the office still remains a pretty dark room. I have a credenza desk and hutch combo in there now and even though there are lights in the hutch, I still feel that the room is too dark. With that being said, the process started to re-desgin this office to make it more "workable". While looking through craigslist, I came across a vintage (70's I'm sure) dresser that I thought would make a great credenza for the office. It has great style and it would give me the ability to put lamps on it for additional lighting. I decided to buy it and my wonderful HH drove the 2 hours to pick it up. Step one complete. Now for the desk. Still searching for that piece, but I have my eye on one. Subsequently I've listed my old set on craigslist and ebay (local p/u only) because I know someone will love it and get a screaming deal. I will be adding curtains in here over the shutters, possibly changing the rug, getting a new desk chair, upholstering another chair and adding some unique accessories. Here's what's leaving the office:

The details on this are really pretty. I hope the new owner loves it as much as I did.
And, here's what's coming into the office:
The handles on this are really cool and this piece is in excellent condition. The detail on this is fabulous and there is plenty of room for lamps on each end. I'm thinking of leaving this as is because the color is not bad in the room. That will be decided later after the room gets pulled together a little more.
Here are a few more pictures of inspiration that I'm using to re-desgin this office. I'll keep you posted on progress.
Maybe this idea for a desk chair? It could be a possibility. This is the Brighton Bamboo Chair from Williams Sonoma Home
I like the natural color of linen and think that this color would compliment the other colors that I want to use in here. These are from Restoration Hardware
I think this is a good start. What do you think? If you could change one thing about your work space what would it be?
On another note, I am happy to report that my daughters
bookcase/desk combo is finally ready for paint! Guess what I'll be doing every night this week? I'm so excited for her and I can't wait to show you the finished room.
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